Alumar d.o.o.  |  Podskrajnik 109, 1380 Cerknica  |  Slovenia    SLO SLO
Alumar » Pressure casting » Quality control
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Alumar d.o.o.
Casting of light metal
Podskrajnik 109
1380 Cerknica, Slovenija
Tel: (+) 386 (0)1 705 33 30
Fax: (+) 386 (0)1 705 33 31
E-mail: info

Quality control of pressure die castings

Our objective is to provide to our customers a timely and undisturbed delivery of highest quality products, therefore the products are first worked and then we perform a 100 % visual quality control.


The quality is managed by ISO 9001 through the entire process.

TUV ISO 9001 certifikat kakovosti

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