Alumar d.o.o.  |  Podskrajnik 109, 1380 Cerknica  |  Slovenia    SLO SLO
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Alumar d.o.o.
Casting of light metal
Podskrajnik 109
1380 Cerknica, Slovenija
Tel: (+) 386 (0)1 705 33 30
Fax: (+) 386 (0)1 705 33 31
E-mail: info

Foundry Alumar d.o.o.

We are a company with more than thirty years of tradition in the domain of the pressure casting of light metals. We started our business in the year 1988 as a craft production, and later, in the years 1992 and 1993, we extended into a small private company with wider space and other possibilities of further development.

In the year 2008 we built a completely new production building with a total of 3,800 m2 of production surfaces.

Our main activity is the pressure casting of light metals, in which we have a years’ long experience. The other related activities are working of castings in a minor extend, as for example, stamping of threads and manual cleaning. Together with the outsourcers, however, we cooperate also in working of castings in a larger extend. Our company also provides possibility of maintenance of tools.

We are an export-oriented company. Mostly we export to the western markets. Our most important customers come from the car industry, the others are the producers of various assemblies of air condition appliances, electrical industry, tires, and hydraulics.

Our vision

We aim to become a modern company with the automated production of pressure castings products.

We wish to act as a competitive company in all markets of the European Union. We want to meet all the quality and quantity criteria of our customers and to reach the most demanding standards in view of quality and ecology

Company Info

Alumar d.o.o.
Podskrajnik 109 1380

Tel: +386 1 705 33 30
Fax: +386 1 705 33 31
E-mail: info

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